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Blood Nourishments Supplements

60's 滋阴补血丸 Blood Enhancer

S$ 17.90 17.900000000000002 SGD S$ 17.90

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    Cotton Plant

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    主治 Indications


    Tonify the blood, nourish vital essence of kidney, and strengthen bones and muscles, for flaccidity of extremities, cold pain of loin, knees and fatigue.

     成份 Ingredients

    Each 329mg capsule contains raw herbs as below:

    熟地 Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata……….57.90mg
    生地 Radix Rehmanniae……….44.74mg
    当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis……….25.00mg
    牛膝 Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae……….25.00mg
    杜仲 Cortex Eucommiae……….31.58mg
    天冬 Radix Asparagi……….25.00mg
    锁阳 Herba Cynomorii……….25.00mg
    五味子 Fructus Schisandrae……….25.00mg
    枸杞子 Fructus Lycii……….44.74mg
    肉苁蓉 Herba Cistanches……….25.00mg

     建议服量 Dosage

    每日服1次,每次4粒 。

    Take 4 capsules once daily.

     使用注意 Caution


    No known side effect and contraindication.